Current Customers
Document Verification
Verify a pdf copy of a document: You can be confident that a PDF copy of a document is unmodified by comparing its “ fingerprint ” (checksum) with the document we sent out. All you need is the lab number of the document and the fingerprint (checksum) of the document you already have. You don't have to ask the sender for evidence, and they won't know that you verified it.
In order to prevent hackers from uploading a random document to our server we are recommending that you use a third party website to get the checksum of the document you have.
Instructions for document verification: (link will open a PDF document in a new tab)
Verify Document
Login Links
Use these links if you are looking for a Pure Harvest lab
Official Labs
- [CSL] Colorado Seed Lab
- [FSNSL] Forest Service National Seed Lab
- [IDAHO] Idaho State Seed Lab
- [MCIA] Minnesota Crop Improvement
- [MBPI] Mississippi Bureau of Plant Industry
- [MSSL] Montana State Seed Lab
- [NYSSL] New York State Seed Lab
- [WSAL] Wyoming Seed Analysis Lab
- [WSDA] Wash. State Dept of Agriculture
Growers Associations
Private and Independent Labs
- [MD Seed Analysis] California
- [Ransom Seed Lab] California
- [Sterling Seed Testing] Oklahoma