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Field Inspection


  • Report Inspection results (acres passed/rejected)
  • Define Custom Inspection Plans (e.g. Lists of diseases to inspect for)
  • Create your own PDF Inspection Form Templates.
    • Inspectors can send data & PDF directly back to PH without logging in.
  • Generate Reports such as Supervisor Field Listing.
  • Various Exports of field data

Customizable Field Inspection Forms

Pure Harvest supports custom PDF forms for Field Inspections. With this feature, you can design any number of templates for various types of field inspections and add those templates to Pure Harvest. For each field you can choose which template to use, and Pure Harvest will merge the template with the Field data (field #,crop,variety,acres,etc) which the inspectors can download.

Once the inspection has been performed, the inspector can send the data back to Pure Harvest for review/finalization. The data can be sent back multiple times, each time Pure Harvest will create a new record for that submission, and any of them could be re-opened to see what the data was at a given point in time.

The data that gets sent back to Pure Harvest can be opened and modified if needed. When ready, the full PDF can be submitted, and Pure Harvest will flatten the form so it is no longer editable, and save the flattened version on the server. The final flattened PDF will be immediately visible from the Customer Portal (optional).

Field Inspection Publishing

With Pure Harvest the Field Inspection results can be made available to your customers online, including any documents, such as a PDF of the completed inspection. In addition to the custom inspection forms, paper copies can be scanned and uploaded to the server.

Connection to Maps

GPS coordinates can be entered with the field information. From Pure Harvest you can open a map to those coordinates using Google Maps, or a similar mapping software. Images, such as a map, can also be uploaded and attached to the field.

Online Field Applications

With Pure Harvest your customers could be able to submit their applications for field inspections online, as well as upload their own maps of each field.

phpromo/field_inspection.txt · Last modified: 2018/01/02 11:59 (external edit)